How to Make $100 per Day – 15 Proven Strategies that WORK 2021!

Kane Pepi

If you’re looking to make some money but you don’t want to give up your current lifestyle, then you’re probably here reading this guide because you want to make at least $100 per day. As a result, the likes of taking surveys or writing product reviews probably won’t suffice. The good news for you is…

Equifax Will Pay $700 Million to Settle the Data Breach Probe in the US

Equifax Will Pay $700 Million to Settle the Data Breach Probe in the US

Viraj Shah

A recent article from the Wall Street Journal reported that credit reporting company Equifax is closing a deal that will pay around $700 million to settle a data breach probe with the US. 2017 data breach finally nears settlement WSJ quoted people familiar with the matter that Equifax is about to close the deal to…

Facebook’s Lawyer Rattles the World, Says Users Don’t Have Any Privacy

Facebook Earnings Grow Despite Faceoff with FTC & $5 Billion Fine

Ali Raza

A few minutes after being rumored that a $5bn fine from the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) was on its way, Facebook’s stock price soared upwards –  a surprise to many. It is believed that the reason for the spike is due to the relief felt from shareholders suspecting that the fine could be more. It…

General Motors Unveils the C8, Its Latest Iteration of the Mid-Engine Corvette

General Motors Unveils the C8, Its Latest Iteration of the Mid-Engine Corvette

Viraj Shah

For lovers of American classics, the Corvette is a special car. The strikingly designed sports cars that rocked an entire generation is now back with a rehash which General Motors is calling the C8. A new car on old wheels On Thursday, General Motors took the veils off its new mid-engine 2020 Corvette C8, which…

Microsoft Unveils the New Look of Outlook, Tries to Take Gmail Head On

Microsoft Unveils the New Look of Outlook, Tries to Take Gmail Head On

Viraj Shah

Microsoft Outlook for the web is getting a brand-new look with new features and a dark mode really soon. Microsoft is trying to challenge Gmail’s design with its new roll out. Faster and more modern Outlook According to Microsoft, the new Outlook on the web will be a faster and more modem experience for its…

JPMorgan Chase

JP Morgan Sets Sights On AI Technology For It’s Hedge Fund Business

Ali Raza

The use of new age technology in the financial sector is becoming more prominent and the top firms are in a race to find and apply the best possible technology in their business.  JP Morgan has set out its intentions to apply artificial intelligence (AI) in its hedge funds. The firm, which already makes use…

Inflation Bonds' Prices Surge with No Inflation in Sight

Inflation Bonds’ Prices Surge with No Inflation in Sight

Ali Raza

The US government bonds with returns adjusted for the inflation rate have started seeing a massive rally in recent days. So far, the investors have been skeptical when it comes to expectations of rising prices, and this sentiment does not appear to have changed. However, the new development indicates that there is a strong expectation…

Wealthfront Review 2020 – Best US Robo Advisor?

Siraj Sarwar

Online automated investing and financial planning platforms have been gaining popularity over the past couple of years amid digitalization and increasing use of smartphones for banking and financial activities. These platforms offer services such as robo investing, saving and retirement planning. Actually, these platforms help users in making the best use of their hard-earned money;…