8 Best High Interest Rate Investments To Make In 2020

Edith Muthoni

As interest rates on commercial bank savings, municipal and treasury bonds continue to nosedive, the cost of living shoots high up. But this doesn’t mean you necessarily have to start tapping into your life savings to complement your current incomes in sorting bills. To the contrary, you should be thinking of investing into high-yield ventures,…

Top 5 Stock Trading Apps for 2020

Vidal Arias

Stock trading has never been as accessible as it is today, where most individuals with little money can easily buy and sale even single shares at the time. The business model of brokerage houses changed too much that it even free trading companies have emerged, offering fully free trading with zero fees or commissions. The…

Prosper Review 2021 : Is it a Good Investment?

George Gacheru

Peer to peer lending is still a new concept for most people who have only known banks and other conventional financial institutions, despite its popularity. P2P lending matches the borrowers and investors on an online platform effectively removing the ‘middleman’ and increasing convenience for the borrower and returns for the investor. In this Prosper review,…

Funding Circle Review 2021 – Is it a Good Investment?

George Gacheru

Peer to peer lending is a multi-billion industry and still growing. This growth is accelerated by the flexibility and convenience it offers over the traditional banking system. Today, P2P platforms are the go-to places for personal loans, but what about the business loans niche that has been inadequately served by banks and even by P2P…

Robo Advisors and Crowdfunding: Is it Good to Invest in Digital Wealth Managers?

Siraj Sarwar

Robo Advisors are eagerly looking towards crowdfunding as the best way for expansion. These digital advisors have started offering the opportunity to directly invest in these platforms to gain ownership. Although these Robo-advisors are relatively new to the investing landscape, investors are showing confidence in their future fundamentals. This is evident from the latest round…

Top 10 P2P ISAs (IFSA) Rates Compared 2020

Edith Muthoni

Peer to Peer (P2P) lenders ranks up high on the list of alternative investment companies with the most attractive returns. This, to a large part, explains why they were recently allowed to host and manage Innovative Individual Finance Savings Account (IFISA) for different investors. Ideally, these refer to investment companies that invest the cash that…

Best 7 Property ISAs For 2020 Compared

Edith Muthoni

The Innovative Finance ISA (IFISA) regulations give you the freedom to invest this cash in different sectors of the economy such as Cash accounts, buy stocks and shares, or invest in the property (real estate) market. In this article, we discuss why you should forego the low return-cash ISAs or the inconsistent and highly volatile…