How to Profit from Changes in the Yield Curve

The Financial Lexicon

As I mentioned in my previous article, the yield curve depicts the relationship between interest rates and the time to maturity for a bond. While a steep yield curve can act as an embedded hedge against losses should interest rates rise, it is important to note that the shape of the yield curve can change.

economic indicators

Economic Indicators Bond Investors Should Follow

David Waring

Investors, traders and economists are always looking for signs where the economy is heading. Economic activity affects interest rates in two ways. A growing economy tends to create new demand for borrowing, pushing up interest rates. Conversely, a slowing economy drives down demand for money, pushing down rates.  Furthermore, the level of economic activity tends…

Bond Prices – Where to Find Bond Prices and Quotes

David Waring

There are several places where you can find free delayed bond prices. Generally speaking, the prices are delayed by 5 – 15 minutes. As most bond prices don’t move as quickly as stocks (with the exception of Treasury and Agency bonds), a delayed bond price is a pretty good barometer of where the market is…


David Waring

Financial Dictionary: Get To The Meaning In 2 Sentences Or Less 401K – An investment account offered by some companies to employees who can place pre tax dollars inside the account and defer taxes on investment returns until withdrawal. Accrued Interest – Interest that has been earned but not distributed. Actively Managed Fund – A…

Checking Savings and Money Market Accounts

Top 6 High Yield Savings Accounts Compared 2020

David Waring

Traditionally one of the most common types of bank accounts has been oriented for savings, allowing individuals to keep their funds safely while receiving a return based on their balance. The main idea of a savings account is to deposit funds that won’t be needed for spent in a short-mid period of time. From a…