Bitqs Review 2021: Is it Reliable? Be sure to read before investing
Bitcoins are given by a virtual value that can be expressed in any currency (especially dollars) to a “digital currency”, which takes the name of Bitcoin. The extremely fluctuating market that governs this shift in value is called the cryptocurrency market. Along this new market, there are investment opportunities and trading takes place with software that performs trades automatically. One of these software is called BitQS.
BitQS Revolution Review
BitQS is a fully automated live trading tool that was created in 2020 by a group of established brokers, with promises to provide signals 0,01 seconds faster than any other software.
Account information
- Free demo account
- Support languages: EN, ES, FR, DE, IT, NL
- Minimum deposit: $250 USD
- No US clients allowed
Top crypto trading pairs
- Bitcoin
- Ethereum
- Ripple
- Litecoin
Payment methods
- Debit/Credit card
- Neteller
- Skrill
Remember, all trading carries risks. Only invest in regulated brokers.
What is BitQS?
The first thing we were asked was if we could give a short and concise definition of BitQS. The answer was no, there is no way to define such powerful software in a short manner. The terms that came to our mind were incredible, cutting edge, amazing. Probably to someone who is not familiar with online finance these terms seem exaggerated, but we will try to make you understand why we are amazed. Let’s start with the definition (simplified, of course) of algorithm.
An algorithm is a program that has been designed in such a way that it gives itself answers to questions that the computer engineer has designed, in this case all the questions about the cryptocurrency market and its constant fluctuations. Each algorithm you can answer these questions with a simple yes / no, and BitQS is made up of about 200 of these algorithms, all intertwined together in a software that we can define as state of the art of computer science.
A mathematical precision already refined over the years by the various artificial intelligence platforms has been taken up by the creators of BitQS, making it even more incredible, it is capable of predicting fluctuations in the crypto currency market with 0.05 seconds in advance. It will probably seem short in terms of timing, but we assure you that in the crypto market these fractions of a second make the difference between a huge sale and the loss of your capital. We were still very intrigued by whoever was behind BitQS, so we tried in every way to get a private interview with them.
Finally, we discovered that BitQS was created by a series of retired brokers who decided, purely out of boredom and revolutionary spirit, to change the Bitcoin market forever. We can define BitQS as an online platform aimed at the automatic investment of money in the crypto currency market, against an extremely small initial investment.
Remember, all trading carries risks. Only invest in regulated brokers.
Is BitQS a scam?
It is natural to ask this question all the time, about anything. Especially in 2020, being scammed is unfortunately extremely frequent, especially in the field of online finance. It is a question that we analysts ask ourselves every time we have to analyze a platform like BitQS, and we assure you that our answer will be sincere and analytical, as it has been for the dozens and dozens of platforms that preceded BitQS.
We have never found a platform up to BitQS, many of the ones we analyzed were simply inefficient, others actively tried to scam us, obviously without success. The inefficiency of some of these platforms was probably due not so much to the bad faith of those who created it, but more likely to the fact that they were IT experts but not also financial experts. Now, we are not saying that all online auto trading platforms aside from BitQS are scams, it is simply much easier to find something that does not work than in a golden place like BitQS.
The main problem is the lack of regulation by the law of the international cryptocurrency market, which tends to be loosely regulated only by brokers. And the platforms? The only way to find out if a platform works or not is to try it, risking your money, especially if you are an ordinary person you really risk losing all your savings.
Fortunately for you, someone has already thought about doing it with BitQS: us, and it was pretty simple. In fact, if you head to the official BitQS site, you could see a whole series of reviews left over a period of about three years by hundreds of people who have used BitQS to change their lives. All their earnings are reported, as these people have nothing to hide, in fact, they are proud of their achievements.
How does the BitQS work?
Concluding the introductory part, we can delve into the serious discussion: the operation of BitQS is very difficult to create but simple to explain, even with a few technical terms. BitQS is based on a machine learning system that can be classified as logical server artificial intelligence, and is so advanced that the technical team that created BitQS preferred to keep it isolated on a virtual cloud, to minimize the possibility of cyber-attacks. Most of these algorithms were used for the first time in the genetic engineering sector, and now adapted in the field of finance.
The operation of BitQS is extremely intuitive, as mentioned before: by inserting money on the platform, it will reinvest them automatically and using extremely advanced artificial intelligence, leading to consistent earnings.
How to start trading with BitQS
The registration process will be extremely simple, it will take you a few minutes and is absolutely necessary to avoid being tracked by accident due to the large flows of digital money you will be moving.
Account registration
This is the first step of registration, you will simply be asked for three data to enter, and you will have to do it in a special format that you can find on the official BitQS website.
Telephone → your phone number is very important because BitQS will use it for a short verification of your identity, this verification is necessary to prevent someone else from entering your profile, maybe because you leave your password somewhere, and starts using your earnings. Obviously, your phone number will not be given to third parties for advertising purposes, it is not in the interests of BitQS.
Mail → It is important that you create an email to be used only with BitQS, this because in this way you will be able to see all the important emails that the customer service sends you: they can be emails for answering your questions (they are extremely helpful), or for communications based on the latest Bitcoin news, they will contact you as many times as you want and you can set a maximum number of emails you want to receive.
Password → we think that there is no particular need to explain how important a correct password is, make it long enough and with various types of characters to minimize the possibility of cyber-attacks.
Although there is no maximum amount of money that you can then deposit to start trading online with BitQS, there is a minimum: $ 250. This is much lower than the average in this field, the price has been kept to a minimum in order to allow everyone to start trading. More than 95 payment methods available on BitQS, obviously all the most common ones are included.
Examples of Trades
A reliable bot always has a trial mode to allow novice users to start trading online without worrying about losing their money right away. To prevent the waste of your newly deposited money, BitQS fortunately offers this mode: the “demo” mode consists of providing you with fictitious money through BitQS, virtually existing only on BitQS, but having access to all the functions of the platform, including its intuitive and at the same time complex interface: you will be able to gain experience and acquire all the necessary familiarity with BitQS before starting to use your money.
Live trading
This section is entirely dedicated to what the BOT will do for you in the coming days, months, or years. Simply click on “Start BOT immediately” and you will observe BitQS that, based on the settings you have entered (we recommend that you leave the pre-set ones to begin with) will start generating passive income for you.
Remember, all trading carries risks. Only invest in regulated brokers.
Is BitQS reliable?
The reliability of BitQS is undeniable at this point, but we can also prove it with the facts: listed on the official BitQS website you will be able to observe different brokers, they are all extremely well-known in my field, and are considered reliable internationally, different people who I know they use them every day, and I do too on many of my online trading platforms. In addition, let’s not forget the dozens of positive reviews made by many users.
Is BitQS safe?
Nowadays everyone should use an antivirus, but if you don’t have one yet, don’t worry: BitQS has thought of you and all those users who cannot afford or do not want to install an antivirus. By going to the platform’s site, in fact, you will be able to observe several icons of the most famous antivirus currently on the market: BitQS has installed them all on its platform in order to protect all users, even those who do not have an antivirus. As long as you stay on the platform, or at least have the platform open, you will be protected from all cyber-attacks. Therefore, we can define BitQS as perfectly safe to use.
Is there an App?
Around 4% of users who use BitQS have requested an app. Usually these numbers are much higher, because nowadays all people want an application for their phone, for everything… the reason for that number to be so low is because BitQS is an automated platform, therefore it will only take you 20 minutes a day from any device (BitQS is in fact mobile friendly, so I could access it from any computer device) to be able to effectively control the BOT, without the need for an application. In any case, an application is under development, because BitQS is keen to satisfy all its users: currently, however, it is not ready and therefore it is not available.
Is BitQS a fraud? The verdict!
Our analyzes were crossed with other IT devices and compared by other traders of our field to whom we asked for an opinion. The verdict is relatively simple to issue: BitQS is completely trustworthy and certainly not a fraud, we invested around $ 45,000 on 10 different accounts over the course of a week, and made a profit of over $ 1 million. We were not asked any questions regarding the withdrawal of the money, a technician just contacted us to ask in what currency we wanted to withdraw it.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is BitQS legit or a scam?
We find BitQS. Their software is free to join and works with many regulated brokers.
Can I withdraw the Bitcoin on my BitQS account?
No, you can’t. You won’t really acquire the Bitcoin, but it will be used Bitcoin available in the market by the broker of your choice.
How many profits will I make with BitQS?
Users report making $1k per day with BitQS but profits may vary per user and depending on your investment decisions. Remember all trading carries risk.
Do I need to select one of these brokers listed in BitQS?
Yes, you need to use one of the brokers displayed on the platform. The reason for that, is because the tool is connected via API to the broker in question, and it’s being used on the platform the broker has made available for the software.
Should I invest with BitQS?
Bitcoin is a highly volatile asset. It has allegedly made a lot of people into millionaires over night. If you are looking to trade bitcoin and are a beginner, then you should trade with BitQS. As always, remember that capital investment carries risks.
Adam Green
Adam Green
Adam Green is an experienced writer and fintech enthusiast. He he worked with since 2019 and covers a range of areas including: personal finance, savings, bonds and taxes.View all posts by Adam GreenWARNING:
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